2007 - 2010 IED European Institute of Design, Rome Honors Degree - Visual Art / Illustration and Animation
2019 FARO de Oriente - Los Ensueños - México City
2019 José Maria Velasco Gallery - La Cronica Negra - México City
2018 ArtSpace México Gallery- La Cronica Negra - México City
2018 Siniestro & Co. Cultural Center- Retrospective 2010-2018 - México City
2017 Galeria Arca MX and MUTEM Museum- Vislumbramento - México City
2016 ArtSpace Mexíco Gallery- Carne Viciosa – México City
2010 SguardoContemporaneo, Lab 51 - Vuoture - Rome
2019 Facultad de Arte y Diseño - 10o Salón de Ilustración Imagenpalabra - Bogotá
2019 Casa Talavaera y Museo Virtual de la Ilustración - Ilustración y Resistencia - México City
2019 Palazzo Ducale - Premio Sergio Frediani - Genova
2019 Mall Galleries - Royal Institute of Painters in Watercolours - London
2019 Palazzo Velli - Eros & Thanatos - Rome 2018 Archive Gallery - The Rose Lipman Building- Modern Panic - London
2018 Gallerie di Italia - Illustri Festival - Milan 2018 Fondazione L'Arsenale - ContemporaneaMenti - Iseo
2018 Pablo Goebel Gallery - Dialogos Modernos y Contemporaneos - México City
2018 Museum of Geology - Nekros Opsis - México City
2018 Aguafuerte Gallery - Lo Politico en el Arte - México City
2018 Centro de Cultura Digital - Biennial of Illustration - México City
2018 Univeristy of Leipzig- Otherness - Leipzig
2018 Foto Museo Cuatro Caminos- Arte Diez ( Feria del Millon) - México City
2017 ArtSpace México - Demiurgo - México City
2017 Soumaya Museum - Rodin Royal Talens, Watercolors Honorable Mention- México City
2016 Aguafuerte Gallery - Migración, el exodo a través de México - México City
2015 La Nana Creativa - Intersticios Corporeos, Mextropoli Festival - México City
2014 Fundación Fondo Internacional de las Artes - Certamen Internacional de Ilustración - Madrid
2014 Méxican Museum of Design - Death with a Smile- México City
2013 Pulse New York - Velodyne Acoustic Fine Arts - New York City
2012 Gallery New World Stage - First Contact - New York City
2011 LES Filmfestival - Animation Screening - New York City
2011 Teatro delle Muse - Violenza Invisibile, Festarte Videofestival - Ancona
2011 Triennial of Milan - Violenza Invisibile, Festarte Videofestival - Milan
2010 Museum of Contemporary Art of Rome Spazio Factory - Violenza Invisibile Videofestival- Rome
2018 Biennial of Illustration - México
2014 Cultura Colectiva, México - Watercolors Painting
2016 Border Cultural Center, México - Illustrated Books
2017 Border Cultural Center, México - Illustrated Books
2017 Foro Cultural F. Goya, México - Illustrated Books 2018 UNAM FES University, México - Painting/Illustration
2018 Siniestro & CO. , México - Master Class Creative Drawing
2019 FAD UNAM University - Watercolor Illustration
1st International Symposium of Plastic Artists "En el Ombligo de la Luna" - México City
2012 Nancy Lorenz LTD, Fine Art, Manhattan , New York City